- Monday 9/11 - Reading Logs Due
- Friday 9/15 - Picture Day
Tests This Week:
- Wednesday 9/13 - Phonics Test 1 (Phonics tests will be based on information learned in the classroom)
- Thursday 9/14 - Spelling PRACTICE Test List 2
- Friday 9/15 - Spelling List 2, Bible Genesis 1:3-4 "And God said, Let there be light; and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness."
It seems as if we've had a rough start to our year, but the kids seem to be adapting well. There are a couple of issues that we need to improve on and it would help if you could discuss this with your children. They need to know if they are having hot or cold lunch so we can give an accurate count to the cafeteria staff. Also, chatting and wandering around the room when they have been instructed not to, is becoming a problem. I have had this discussion with them, but I feel like it would help if they were told at home, as well.
I hope you have a great weekend!
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